
About The Author . . . . A. Elsworth Boss Ed.D.

The first book I ever read cover to cover was Mickey Spillane’s, “Mike Hammer.”  I was a nineteen year old marine lounging in a foxhole somewhere in South East Asia when one of the guys said, “Hey Boss you like to read?”  “Yeah man,” I lied as he handed me a paperback book.  “When you finish that I have another one for you,”  he assured me as he hustled on his way to the next hole in the ground. 

I only have one word to say about the book, “Icouldnotputthatbookdown!” Since that day I have literally read a thousand books, articles, journals and research papers and I’ve written at least a hundred reviews.

“Monster Reads” are books and articles that actually change your life. They open your eyes and show you what you need to know. For me it’s books about life extension research, natural medicine, health, healing and longevity. And sometimes a monster read can just be a good story.

There are new and exciting discoveries happening all around us everyday.  I don’t review a book unless the subject matter is compelling, extraordinary, verifiable and pushing the limits of one’s imagination. And now that we live in a “just get to the point” culture, look for shorter more condensed reviews from me.  . . . . . Do you like to read? . . . . . . . . http://www.monster-reads.com